Sunday, August 10, 2008

History of hip-hop

I am now able to drive on the right hand side of the road after passing my Canadian road test at the second attempt. Considering I work half an hour away from Whistler in Pemberton it's just as well. Finally I can get to drive our new car to work and appreciate being a car owner again with all the associated pleasures and pains. The best thing is cranking the tunes and preparing playlists to match the time it takes to drive there and back.

One thing which is on rotation on the ipod, is the history of hip-hop podcasts as recorded by the Rub. If you don't know about them already, this crew are party DJ's out of New York. So far they have recorded 21 volumes covering 1979 to 1999 full of familiar stuff and new. Can't recommend it enough, particularly for driving mountain roads. Here's the link.

The Rub - History of hip-hop

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YESSSS - nice one Jensen - downloaded all the years and now never need to buy a hip hop tuuune again! Beautiful..